June 4 at 4:00pm in the beautiful, wooded landscape of the Thielke Arboretum, the orchestra will perform a Celebration of the Music in our Lives. Bring chairs and blankets to enjoy music and the scenery. Also, in the Education Center from noon to four, coordinated by Friends of the Arboretum and the Arts Council of Glen Rock. Capture the Spirit of Glen Rock is a photographic exhibition of submissions by residents.
Under the baton of Music Director, Anthony LaGruth, musical milestones from Disney’s one-hundred years will be performed. From Broadway to the big screen, the selections will bring back favorite memories that have endured the years. No one can ever forget that suave James Bond. A medley of film scores includes one from Live and Let Die, now seventy-years-old. The enduring sounds of a Strauss Viennese waltz is a reminder of the World’s Fair, some one-hundred and fifty years ago, which welcomed seven million visitors to the beautiful city. Other selections include light classics and a mix of listening favorites. Mr. LaGruth currently serves as the Music Director and Conductor of the Livingston Symphony Orchestra (NJ) and serves as the Associate Conductor of the North Shore Symphony (NY). Je is a member of the Board of Directors of the Conductors Guild, a national service organization for conductors. The concert is free to the public, and donations at the door are always appreciated. For more information, please go to www.glenrockpops.org |