Programs for school-aged children
We offer many educational programs specifically designed for school-aged children. These programs have been attended by many local elementary, middle, and high-school classes, as well as many Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts troops. Small groups of students work with docents in the outdoor classroom to explore a topic. If you don’t see a topic that fits your needs we can work with you to design a program.
If you are interested in scheduling your class or group for one of these programs, please reserve your spot now. Once you submit your request, a representative will contact you shortly to confirm whether the date you are requesting is available. All Groups Please Note: The Chaperones role is to monitor the behavior of the children. If the children exhibit noisy or disruptive behavior, the Docents reserve the right to stop the program immediately. NOTE: A copy of the Certificate of Insurance will be required naming the Friends of the Glen Rock Arboretum, Inc. as additional insured. We will only need one Certificate of Insurance per year, per School District, so if you have already submitted one this year, you won't need to submit it again. The Friends of the Glen Rock Arboretum is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 Tax Exempt organization. We depend on volunteers, memberships and contributions to maintain and preserve the Arboretum. As such, we charge a small fee per child to participate in these programs. FeesSchool Groups:
Scout Groups:
(SPRING) Duration: 1-1/2 Hours Grades: 3-5 Aligns with New Jersey State Standards |
Description: Investigate a pond ecosystem and its components. Explore the interaction of plants and animals in this habitat and discover the impact people have on pond ecology.
Duration: 1-1/2 Hours Grades: K-5 NJCCCS: Aligns with New Jersey State Standards |
Description: Identify and investigate the components of a habitat: water, food, shelter and space. Identify smaller habitats (pond, pine forest, vernal pool & log) within the large Thielke Arboretum wetland habitat. Find out who lives there and why.
Description: Compare and contrast deciduous trees and conifers. Discover fall changes in trees. |
Description: Identify winter trees and discover clues that indicate a tree is alive. |
DescriptionDiscover what's blooming at the Arboretum. Examine buds and learn to identify trees in spring. |
Description: Together we can customize a program that will fill the requirements of your selected badge. Our educational docents will guide your scouts through the steps needed to complete their badge. Contact us for more information.